Renter’s Insurance: 5 Things Roommates Need To Know

Rent prices across the United States average at $1,231 per month, and many people simply cannot afford to pay that much money on their own. As such, roommates often pool resources to share costs. Renters' insurance is important whether you live on your own or share, but if you have a roommate, there are some important issues you need to consider when you take out a policy. Here are five of them. Read More 

5 Considerations When Setting Up An Aquaponics Water Feature

You can lift the moods of those around you by installing an oasis in the form of an aquaponics pond right outside the doors to your business. Maintaining close proximity to thriving plants and animals can dramatically reduce stress, quiet anxiety and calm tense minds. If you carefully install and set up your pond, it will thrive for years with very little maintenance. The goal is to create a thriving mini ecosystem that requires very little outside intervention to maintain growth and stay healthy over the years. Read More 

After An Unexpected Home Birth: First Aid Response And Cleanliness

Everybody who's expecting makes a birth plan and has the trip to the birthing center or hospital planned out. However, sometimes Nature takes everybody by surprise, and you end up giving birth at home, simply because labor came on hard, fast, and strong. It can be tempting to panic when this happens, but if you prepare for this possibility and factor it into your birth plan, you'll be much more calm when birth takes this surprising turn of events. Read More 

Best Practices For Dealing With Delinquent Tenants

As a first-time property manager, dealing with delinquent tenants can seem like a frustrating and time-consuming aspect of the job. You want your tenants to be as timely as possible when it comes to fulfilling their rental obligations, yet there are many cases where delinquent payments are unavoidable. As you become more familiar with your role in multi-unit management here are a few best practices you can use to work with delinquent tenants: Read More 

3 Important Ways Moving Out Of State Affects Your Finances

Moving out of state is a major change, and it has a more dramatic effect on your life than a simple move within your home state does. There is a lot more to worry about than where to find boxes or how to get your utilities switched on in your new home. Anyone can give you tips on hiring a moving company or packing up your kitchen utensils, but what about figuring out how moving out of state will affect you at tax time? Read More