Tips To Help You Start Preparing For A Move Into A Smaller Home

After your kids leave home and you are left in a big house with just your spouse, you might finally decide to downsize into a smaller home. If you've lived in your current house for years, it is likely that you have accumulated a lot of "things" during the time you are there. Because of this and because your new home will be smaller, you will need to carefully plan out your move. Read More 

The Environmentally Friendly Funeral: Tips For A Greener Burial Plan

If you like the idea of traditional burial for a loved one, but have trouble with the amount of chemicals and waste normally associated with burial, as well as the concrete plots in public cemeteries, you might be looking for other options that allow you the traditional feel of a funeral, but without the same impact on the environment. Here are a few ideas that can help you with your funeral plans. Read More